29 weeks

29 weeks and I am feeling really good.  The last week, I have accomplished many things on my to do list plus many extra items!  I am now fully immersed in all things baby, but especially the baby room.  Two weekends ago, my Mom and I tackled the daunting task of registering and over the past weekend, Joe and I chose and ordered the Lazy-boy rocker/recliner for the room.  I am hoping for many more accomplished weeks before junior arrives.

winter grass

I am taking a Bradley course for pregnancy and one of the things highly encouraged is exercise, especially walking.  I love walking, it gives my mind time to clear and think deeper.  It also helps that our neighborhood green belt is full of lush green winter grass.  It feels fantastic to sink my toes into the grass as I walk.

28 weeks

I had my 28 week check-up, Baby and I are doing great!  I also found out that I do not have gestational diabetes!!!  This was the best news possible to me.  Here is the baby bump:

Jr, I am so sorry

Little baby in me, I am so sorry.  You have it so strong on both sides…  You will most likely be an engineer.

I forget sometimes my gifting, but I am an engineer.  Leave it to me to figure out how to perfectly fit in a chair to large for my little car.  The gentleman who helped me load it was amazed.  I just shrugged it off, after all, I am an engineer to the core.