week 13 of 52

Grand Prix!!!! J wanted to win so bad. He made it to the final four and barely lost to 3rd place. He had an amazing attitude about not getting a medal and is already planning his car for next year.

E had Joe make an incredible police car. He didn’t win a design award, but his Police car did speed into 3rd place for speed.

I forgot to get a picture with Joy’s car. It was a purple, very purple and she sped into 2nd place.

bonus: a pic of us hanging out at the grand prix.

week 12 of 52


J tried mochi with a bean paste filling for our study of Japan.  He liked it for a few bites, but prefers ice cream mochi much more.

E did not like the mochi, but loved learning bits and pieces of Japanese. He would come and say random words or phrases and ask me what he just said? Sometimes I guessed correctly.

Joy was whatever about mochi. She is still only interested in school when it suits her whim.


week 11 of 52

J loved exploring at Veterans Oasis Park. He gathered sticks, inspected rocks, and played very close to the creek.

E explored and got into the creek, as he had on rain boots.


Joy loved exploring, almost lost her hat looking at a big fish in the lake. Thankfully, someone fished it out before it traveled far.

it looks like Toy Story sky


week 10 of 52


It was a quite week here as we took a partial spring break.  J was very happy to discover that mostly only the basics (piano, Bible, chores) were required.  He got quite the haul from the library. He was so excited to enter the stacks and pick out his own books, with a little help from Momma. He also had so much fun with his bandanna for pirate night at Awana’s, he made himself quite the costume from three bandannas.

E was also happy to be on a more relaxed schedule. We spent one whole day at the park with friends. E loved playing hard and didn’t even get burnt.

Joy also was into dressing up using bandanas. I also need to report we have found another form of potatoes that Joy likes, potato skins.

week 9 of 52

J was quite the climber. He explored climbing rocks on A mountain. It was fun  to watch him.

E finished up his flag football season. He loved it and was deemed the most enthusiastic player. They lost all their games, but E’s spirits were still positive.

Joy is my bundle full of energy. She wants to do everything the boys do and climbed to the top of A mountain without any help.

Week 8 of 52

J loved his time at the riparian and nature journal what he saw. He enjoyed trying to draw birds, look for rabbits, spy lizards, etc. He savors his time to observe and contemplate by himself.

E is kind and let’s Joy participate with him in school and other activities. He is so attentive to her and takes care of her so well.

Joy enjoyed seeing rabbits at the riparian. She did try drawing, but enjoyed more observing animal life and really wanted to pick the flowers.

week 7 of 52

J started golfing again with my dad. He did very well on the driving range. He almost hit the ball collector! After hitting almost a whole basket, he wanted to practice his putting as well. The best part was he dressed so sharp in a teal polo tucked into khaki short with a nice belt and his Army baseball cap from his Opapa. He got lots of compliments from Opa and Mommy that he wore the polo the next day as well.

E has been working on his complimenting skills. He excitedly talked about eating the yummy meal mommy had made. Almost every night, he thanked both mommy and dadda for a wonderful meal. This is after he would complain that we never have “fill in the blank”. We would reply, by asking if he wanted that and it would be put into next weeks menu.

E celebrated a momentous occasion on Saturday. He lost his third tooth and actually found it!

Joy spent lots of time cuddling

week 6 of 52

J is growing his art skills and drawing the things he loves; Yoshi, Piglet, dinosaurs, Star Wars, etc. He also is climbing a lot. At our co-op hike, he foraged a new trail by rock climbing up the front of the mountain.

E loves hiding God’s word in his heart. In December he finished his regular book and his extra credit book in Awana’s. They have tried to find more verses for him and he is back to memorizing as much as possible.

Joy rode a big girl bike this week! She kept saying “I am doing it”, “I am a big girl”, “that was cool”. She had a few tumbles and got back up and wanted to go again and again. She finally took a break when she and the truck met.